my tea brew recipe for fit body, lungs pain, system cleansing etc. all round body regulation.
*black tea (10 tablespoonfuls)
*thyme (+5 tablespoonfuls)
*cinnamon (+4 tablespoonfuls)
licorice (shredded) - (+-6 tablespoonfuls)
*cloves (+6 tablespoonfuls)
flower tea (+3 tablespoonfuls)
serves up to 5 days.
cook for +-30mins with 4+ to 5+ liters of water on high heat.
dilute with water before drinking for it should be strong medicine tea. i drink it quite too often. natural energy.
update: 5th October 2024
the cinnamon isn't important but it'll glow the skin and even teeth colour.
*cinnamon* (8th September 2024)
*cloves* (7th August 2024)
black tea
flower tea
update (10th July 2024).
i drink this quite so too often for energy in the first place and then because it also keeps me in shape from excess useless eating disorders. grateful for my listening trancie ways. i love the trance.
i also never take meds when i have malaria. only meds for headache on malaria cos i hate headaches in malaria trance. to say that my genetic makeup is quite strong. this tea might just be designed for my genetic. but. i don't know.
zen life.
ps. malaria kills! so take your meds when you have malaria.
update (10th July 2024).
you can also just boil it down to (as i do these days):
black tea
flower tea
licorice (zoethout)
thyme (tijm)
black tea (zwarte thee)
earl grey (earl grey)
green tea (groene thee)
rooibos (rooibos)
any flower tea of your choice (bloemen thee)
beetroot (rode bieten)
fruits of your choice (fruit naar keuze)
cook well. let it cool off slowly on its own and drink. you might get dizzy at the first time but this is normal. ps. add water. dilute!!!
chest/lungs pain cure
i drink this twice a day. the first time was dizzying.
i flex zen life